Bead Embroidery…a love of mine

Purple Bead Embroidered Onyx AgateDid you know that beading can become addictive?  Most beaders have first hand knowledge of this.

Besides the beadwork and beadweaving that I have loved doing for some time now, I have fallen in love with bead embroidery.  There’s something about finding the perfect cabochon…the perfect backing material…adding any combination of different colors, finishes, sizes of seed beads and cylinder beads (Delica) to embellish the cabochon…to tell a story with your beading or to create a gorgeous design.

There are many ways to bead embroider…bead artists have their own style, their own use of materials, their use of certain stitches.  I have read several books on this and the different authors have their own particular style, but this is part of the fun…to try out these different instructions…experiment with all…develop your own style.

In my next few posts, I will provide you with some ideas and some instruction (book reviews) and tutorials.  If you’re a beginner of beading, don’t feel overwhelmed…just take it step by step.  Before you know it, you’ll be beading like crazy 🙂

In closing, I have posted a photo of my purple onyx agate cabochon and amethyst necklace listed in my Etsy shop, BohemianIce Artisan Jewelry.  You can see the specifics of this necklace in the listing.

See ya’ soon  🙂