Red Crystal Earrings….loving these fire polished beads….

These are my newest creation, listed on etsy .

They are made on a sterling silver headpin and are wire wrapped on handmade sterling silver spiraled earwires.  I especially liked the new fire-polished crystal beads that I ordered and used.  I’ve never tried them before and I have to say that they are lovely colored and faceted nicely….sparkling lovely colors when you hold them to any light.  For an added finish, I added sterling silver bali-style daisy spacers and a couple of tiny seed beads.

To see these and other artisan crafted jewelry, visit my Etsy shop at


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A Jewelry Artists Review – “Bead Stoppers”

I’ve decided that periodically, as I come across some item or tool that can help a fellow artist, I’m going to blog my opinion on that particular item or tool.  I’m not expecting everyone in the world to agree with my reviews, but it’ll just be my personal opinion on something that I feel works well or helps a creative person in what they do.  If it helps you, GREAT!  I’m glad to help someone. 

Today I’m going to tell you about the greatest little tool that a jewelry artist can have…they’re called “bead stoppers.”  These little spring-like things are great to use when you are a clutze like I am and you are stringing beads.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked on a necklace and had gotten it close to done and mistakenly dropped the wire and a thousand beads fall and scatter all over the floor.  What frustration!!! 

These little helpers are an essential tool for any jewelry artist….I would almost bet that anyone could come up with at least one use for these other than holding your beads on the wire.  I can think of one right now….as someone who paints, I can see using one to hold your photograph to your work area or easel.  They come in two sizes and several to a pack….see here  and  .  There is also a how-to video on the Fire Mountain website  .   Watch this video, they tell you all about the different ways to use these tiny helpers.