
“Eva Barkman Designs”

Ok, here goes….my name is Eva Barkman.  I am an artist who loves all kinds of artistic things, in which I am trying hard to make my life’s work.  I have never considered myself a writer, so doing a blog is a stretch for me.  I’ve been reading how writing a blog is what one, an artistic one, needs to do to become a successful designer, artist, photographer, etc…..so this is my attempt.  So, I was thinking…well, if I’m going to be writing about my life’s work, why not explain why I have these talents in the first place and give the glory and thanks to my Lord, Jesus Christ, who blessed me in so many ways, but first and foremost, how I now have my salvation from eternal darkness through His sacrifice on the cross.  So, I consider myself a Christian first, in my life.  Artist, photographer, and jewelry designer are just a few of the many talents that the Lord has given me and I try to use these talents to glorify my Him.  Hopefully, through this blog, I can give you a look into the many facets of my work and faith.

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